Friday, March 22, 2013

Me Versus Baracketology (The POTUS) or After Day One of the NCAA Tournament I'm Up 11-5 While Barack Obama went 10-6 (That's +1 for me if you need help with the math!)

Ok.  Are you guys ready for some more March Madness?  Yes.  Me too!  Especially after I learned this morning that my Thursday predictions are ahead of President Obama's by +1.  My record on yesterday was 11-5, while Mr. Bracketology's was 10-6.  Hopefully, my predictions will hold true and I will be able to keep pace with the POTUS' prediction prowess; we will see.

What gave me the edge?  Most likely picking Harvard to upset New Mexico served as my X-Factor on yesterday.  After all, who picks Harvard to defeat a traditional D-1 B-Ball program.  No disrespect to Harvard, but I believe that history speaks for itself--Ivy League NCAA Tournament entrants usually don't make it past the first round of the tourney.  However, I picked Harvard based on my admiration and respect for Harvard's coach, and former Duke standout point guard, Tommy Amaker.  I figured that the former Dukie and Coach K disciple, Amaker, would have his team ready to play, and demonstrate to the nation that he is a coach to be reckoned with--Harvard didn't disappoint either.  Now if I can just get a little bit more separation during today's wave of games.

Until next time, keep working on those applications, essays, or planning those college visits.

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